Just some quick irreverence for today, and looking for some feedback from friends who know us pretty well.
I think I mentioned it somewhere previously, but Shelley and I would love to become participants on The Amazing Race. We love travel, are good problem solvers, and probably have the right mix of personalities to make for pretty fun TV.
But there's a problem.
As viewers of the show know, each "team" has some sort of tag-line. Something like "College Sweethearts"..... or "Gym Co-owners"..... or "Long-Distance Pen Pals"..... "Beauty Contest Judges"....... You know, something that's kind of interesting and easy for television audiences to grab onto.
For us, the problem has always been "what's our tagline?"
I mean, we're kind of normal. We don't climb mountains together, we didn't meet while on a safari in South Africa, we aren't prison wardens...... We met in a fairly normal way, have a pretty normal relationship, worked relatively normal jobs, and have fairly normal interests and hobbies. Not to say that we're boring (or am I saying that?), but we don't exactly have that nice, sexy TV tagline. "Bickering Spouses" doesn't exactly grab you, you know? I mean, all spouses bicker, right?
Shelley's had a couple of ideas recently, calling us either "The Odd Couple," or "The Opposites." The reason is pretty simple for some who know us - a number of the traditional husband/wife roles are reversed for us. Shelley's the more active/athletic one between us (though I can hold my own)...... I do the grocery shopping and cooking...... Shelley does most of the yard work. She wears the pants in the family (though I do periodically get to see them, or even iron them). I bring her coffee in bed every morning. You get the picture.
So here's where you come in. What should our tagline be? Help us out!